Sword of the Stars: The Pit Wiki
Sword of the Stars: The Pit Wiki

Kjnoren Kjnoren 3 December 2023

Adopting the wiki

This wiki has a wealth of information in it, but it's sadly (a) rather unorganised, (b) the design leaves a lot to be desired.

So I think this wiki needs to be adopted in order to gain a new admin. I lack the in-depth game knowledge of the prior admins, but I hope I can contribute to it with my design and wikitext skills to lead the wiki into the century of the ice bat.

Let me know if you have comments or other proposals!

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Sneak+stab Sneak+stab 3 December 2017

SotS Reddit and general SotS Wikia Project


I'd like to let the contributors to this Wikia know that I'm doing what I can to revive the Sword of the Stars fanbase. I'm a moderator over on /r/sots and I'm trying to get this generalized SotS Wikia up and running. It is my intent to link across to this Wikia whenever it's relevant to do so on the general Wikia like on this article about the Liir , I don't think I can do a better job on The Pit articles than you guys have already done. Also, feel free to drop by the subreddit and contribute to the discussions. I've got an informal commentary series where I write about SotS1 gameplay that might spark an old flame.

My reasoning behind making a big umbrella is that there frankly aren't that many SotS fans left. In order for there to b…

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Blue Sonata Blue Sonata 2 July 2016

Motto of the day

Play stupid games win stupid prizes. July 2, 2016

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DeadlyBeautiful DeadlyBeautiful 14 January 2015

Useful advices


Try to level up most of the skills under 45 without spenting any points there, sometimes it's hard but it's worth it, especially for classes with low or medium amount of skills per new level.

Why 45? Because it's a in-game limit for all non psi skills and you can't improve your skills after 45 just successfuly using them, only with skill points.

If you are stucked on some of them and going deeper making it's more diffcult to level up them "naturally" till 45 - bust them with a point to compensate checks growing with each floor on most of non combat skills - that would give a chance, because all of them leveling 100% - on successful interactions and with a low chance - on fails (seems like

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Profound Darkness Profound Darkness 18 April 2014

Regarding skills on recipies...

FIrst time using this feature.  I'm assuming that someone viewing my edits can come by and see this...  Anyway as per the title, I've been tracking the skill requirement needed to do a recipe and posted the ones I'm confident in to the wiki's recipies list.  Remember that the skill applied is a combination of stat and skill so though you can't have a skill alone be over 100 with the stat it's possible.  To understand how it works - take the skill requirement and compare it to your skill, you want the blue number as that includes the stat enhancment to that skill.  Simply subtract your skill from the required skill.  Lets say you want to make a mine trap and your traps skill is 30.  Recipies says you need 65.  To figure out your percentage …

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Djparadroid Djparadroid 5 December 2013

Full Psi: Gamebreaker?

So all you Mindgamers and Golders have likely dabbled in the Psi trees by now.

But have you really looked?

I mean tentatively removing the bedsheet and for the first time seeing the glistening body of your glazed ham looked?

Because combined these things are nutso.

So I can Invisibility onto a new floor, and if the pickings are slim TK Fist and Lifedrain and Fear and Paralyze and Shrapnel Storm my way in. If I'm feeling nasty I can just pick the strongest mob in the room and Subvert or Puppet it. Dampener in the room? Just Dissolve it. Gear looking a little worn? Duplicate a Nano Reconstructor (remember to keep two just in case they blow up). Skills a little soft? Then Duplicate a Liir Edu-Pet! Keep your Metabolic Control up and basically live…

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Djparadroid Djparadroid 3 December 2013

Save Scumming and other dirty words

As I entered the Pit for the twentieth time, carting stacks of food to the Safe Room for checks and measures it started to wear on me. All of this information is readily available to individuals at a single click and here we are having to take a chisel to the same block of marble Codey McGee has already reduced to a statue with hilariously masked genitalia.

Even the racial penalites that in part have been slapped on everything willy nilly could have just been revealed in patch notes and be a no-brainer for us to amend the posts here.

But when on my deeper runs when the game starts to get tense and you begin to happen upon the mobs where the data we've found is scarse I can't help but mirthlessly murder them at my earliest convenience. Sure, …

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Djparadroid Djparadroid 27 November 2013

Traps, Gaps and lack of Automobiles

So you decide to just do a quick run to collect a few traps for your Sotsdex and of course, the Wiki. What you instead find is your second only Powersuit, a smattering of achievements and finally manage to extract the last of the traps by the 19th floor.

Of course you blunder through at least a dozen Teleporter traps, which you snagged almost immediately. And don't forget the only recipes you try to unlock for your 'dex failing due to choosing that Scout.

In the end it was a productive little evening. The Wiki continues to be fleshed out with all this new content and it's a welcome distraction from the heat.

And eating too, apparently. The stovetop calls.

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MagicMarbles MagicMarbles 1 August 2013

Now this is just silly.

Well, even with an exo suit I'm hurting for space. My blue locker back on floor 10 is packed full too... decisions decisions.

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MagicMarbles MagicMarbles 30 July 2013

Space Blog

Made it lower than ever on my last playthrough as a Psion. And completely forgot to grab screenshots of some of the later unlocked psionic powers before dying (d'oh!)

Ah well, back to The Pit I go.

Well, even with an exo suit I'm hurting for space. My blue locker back on floor 10 is packed full too... decisions decisions.

Made it lower than ever on my last playthrough as a Psion. And completely forgot to grab screenshots of some of the later unlocked psionic powers before dying (d'oh!)

Ah well, back to The Pit I go.

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