Use Skill + Repair Skill
Notes / Common Rooms
- Replicates any one slot item in your inventory, excluding serums and bio mods. 1-3 uses
- Destroys a random item in your inventory
- Damages and Stuns
 Ammo Dispenser
- Allows you to choose from 5 ammo types to receive (quantity might vary, though foraging may be affecting it too)
- Large Explosion
- Sets off alarm
- Security & Armory
- Bot Storage & Repair Lab
- Identifies Bio mods
- 1-2 (maybe more) uses
- Shuts Down
- Sets off Alarm
- Repair Lab
- Hiver Lair
- Slave Pen
- Incubation Room
 Surveillance Console
- Interact to "Activate Monitors"
- Provides radar vision of map (can close and open with (m)ap key)...radar lost upon moving
- Can be activated up to 3 times
Computer 85+
- Slave Pen
- Security Station
- Present in Gold version of game (perhaps others too)
Grants a permanent effect:
- +1 Move Speed
- +5 random main Stat
- +15 Max health and full heal
- Motion Sensor (temporary)
- +[10-15] natural Armor (permanent)
- Increased hunger period* (perm.)
- 20% chance of negative effect
*(time between food consumption ticks)
Halves food consumption. Receiving the augmentation again will quarter food consumption.
- "Mutagenic blast" , -5 to Might, Finesse and Brains.
- Random stat reduced
- -5 HP/ each level
- Tunnel Vision for 100 turns.
- Increased hunger rate* (permanent)
*(amount of food consumption each tick)
 Charge Station
- Recharges Tools, Belts, Morrigi Med Drone, etc.
- Damages and Stuns
- Found in the most rooms
- If not used to charge items after successful interaction, station loosing 1 charge
 Chem Pod
- Once armed, will explode for moderate damage and apply a damage-over-time effect to creatures within melee range. That damage ignores armor.
- Explodes, splashing acid on your inventory
- Cryogenics Lab
- Volatiles Storage
- Slave Pen
- Destroying it from a distance yields similar results
- Shuts down
- Sets off alarm
- On repair: explodes, damaging you
- Allows you to craft Food and some medical items
- Wasted ingredients
- Explodes on repair
Biotech Medical
- Kitchen & Cafeteria
- Medical Room
- Hiver Lair
- Psi Lab
- Staff Quarters
- When repairing broken one, stand on the left side to avoid damage during critical failure.
 Creation Station
- Works like a Cooker and Lab Station in one
- Much higher activation check
- Up to 5 uses
- Shutdown
- Sets off alarm
- Summons Havoc drones
- If repairing failed:
- Table overloads and causes Shock damage
- Table overloads and explodes damaging items
Decipher + Electronics
- Botanical Lab
- Hiver Lair
- Incubation Room
- High Decipher skill-check to activate
- Once armed, instantly kills any enemy creatures who walks within melee range.
- Does not grant loot or XP from kills
- Can activate 1-3 times.
- Shutdown/Become Ruined
- Explodes
- Player is instantly killed
 Emergency Shower
- Removes any Fire or Corrosive effects on successful check
- 3 Maximum uses (?)
- Cannot be used to Hydrate the Liir.
- -75 Penalty to your Power stat while in the room
- Can be reversed to apply this on monsters instead
- Sets off Alarm and spawns 2 Havoc Drones
- This can be used to your advantage, either by
- Making enemies come toward you, or
- Getting energy cells from killing the Havoc Drones (somewhat common drop).
- Library
- Slave Pen
- Psi Lab
- Shrine
- Manipulation works
- Common in Psi-themed rooms.
 Interrogation Pod
- Disguised as damaged and working Med Bays
- If successfully repaired, will instantly kill any organic monster who comes within range of 1
- Does not grant XP from kill
- Permanent loss of stat (up to 4?)
- Takes longer to fix or use (5 turns), so you can distinguish Med Bays from Interro Pods by watching how long the repair or use will take
 Lab Station
- Used to craft items
- Up to 5 uses, skill check every time
- Volaties Storage
- Bot Storage & Repair Lab
- Incubation Room
- Psi Lab
- Medical Room
- Pretty low Electronics skill check on working stations (about 25)
- Good source to level up Electronics skill just turning working station on
- Randomly constructs mechas and heals nearby mechas. Mechas constructed include (work in progress):
- Scavenger Bot
- Maintenance Bot
- Light Security Bot MK I
- Light Security Bot MK II
- Med. Security Bot MK I
- Med. Security Bot MK II
- Med. Security Bot MK III
- Hvy. Security Bot MK III
(probably all Bots from Security Bot Family and maybe others too.)
Chosen bot spawn, though random, seems to be influenced by sub floor level. Scavenger/Maintenance bots at lower levels... Hvy. Security Bot MK III at higher levels.
See Manufacturing Bay for further details.
- Once armed, stops constructing additional Mechas. Will explode for moderate damage if a Mecha walks within melee range.
- Explodes (this may deal heavy damage [~150 if unarmored])
- Sets off alarm
- Bot Storage & Repair Lab
- Destroying it with grenades or Dissolve is usually a better alternative
- Using Manipulation from a good angle can sometimes work
- Protects creatures in the room from status effects.
- Can be Engineered to Paralyze any Mecha in the room.
- Sets off Alarm and spawns 2 Havoc Drones
- This can be used to your advantage, either by
- Making enemies come toward you, or
- Getting energy cells from killing the Havoc Drones (somewhat common drop).
- Library
- Surgery Lab
- High Energy Lab
- Security Station
- Bot Storage & Repair Lab
- Armoury
- Manipulation works
- Cyborg creatures will seek to destroy an engineered Master Mind
- Partial heal similar to that of a medkit
- Full Heal
- 1-2 uses
- Arbuda Sapiens can use these to heal themselves indefinitely if they choose to (doesn't consume one of the Med Bay's "use charges" when they use it to heal)
- Hurts Player
- Triggers Alarm being usable
- Triggers Alarm and Shutdown
- Shutdown
- Exploding with a small radius
- Medical & Surgery
- Psi Lab
- Botanical Lab
- Incubation Room
- Can NOT be found in Slave Pens--any "Med Bay" found in Slave Pens are Interrogation Pods
- Successful repair triggers a partial or full heal
Ultra Med Bay
- Higher Skill Check than normal Med Bay
- Can fill both Health and Hunger 100% regardless of max hunger or negative hunger due to weak/starving status (thus theoretically able to refill 1000+ hunger in one go)
- It is recommended to keep your hunger low in case you find one of these or backtrack to it once your hunger is depleted.
- Locks player in place and greatly accelerates healing and psi regen rates. Rest to speed up the process.
- (One time use)
- Temporarily buffs all skills except combat and psi skills by...
- normally around 10, but may vary between 2 and 17.
- (engineer/mechanical/lockpick ect.)
- Permanently boosts brain Stat
- Permanently boosts one Skill (Got result of 5, but it may be lower or higher)
- Shutdown
- Stuns player
- Drains 2 Brains
- Drains a random skill by a (random?) amount
Engineer to repair
Medical to use
- Psi Lab
- Surgery Lab
- Library
- Cryogenics Lab
- Staff Quarters
 Protein Bath
- Locks player in place, healing you and restoring food each turn.
- Spawns a random Protean Family monster
- Rendered Useless (akin to shutdown)
Biotech (very high; at or around 165)
- Incubation Room
- Surgery Lab
- Skill-check works with Bourdox
 Rad Pod
- Recharge 1 Tool, Belt, Morrigi Med Drone, etc .
- Chance to double the item's maximum charges, until the extra charges are used
- Explodes and fills the room with radiation permanently
- This can be used to your advantage
- Bot Storage & Repair Lab
- High Energy Lab
- Destroying it irradiates the room, which weakens and eventually kills trapped organic creatures.
- Creatures do not accumulate radiation while the player is on a different floor, but can die of radiation poisoning acquired prior to the player leaving the floor.
- No Xp is gained from this method, but loot can be retrieved.
- Attacks nearby enemies with a tractor beam
- Tractor beam drags enemies close to the Recycler
- Enemies in front of the grinder take extremely heavy damage (around 120)
- Will shutdown upon attempting to grab an enemy of the Protean family
- Nothing happens, but next attempts to reprogram it unavailable
- Kitchen & Cafeteria
- Is a Stationary Monster
- Can attack the player
- Using Manipulation to activate is recommended
- Convert 4 Ingredients to 1 random Item or Ingredient
- 1-3 uses
- Shutdown
- Destroing the ingredients without generating item
- Botanical Lab
- Storeroom
- Incubation Room
- Quality of Ingredients doesn't matter
 Repair Station
- Repair Items (80% efficiency).
- Item is not Repaired
- Item is Damaged
- Item is instantly destroyed (chance of this is slightly related to item's remaining durability)
- Bot Storage & Repair Lab
- Security Station
- Staff Quarters
 Safety Pod
- Can´t attack or get attacked while inside
- May rest and eat while inside
- Can't use psi abilities while inside
 Security Station
- Unlocking all doors on the floor
- Self-destructing all security bots on the floor
- Temporarily shutting off all security bots on the floor
- Sets off Alarm and causes Shock attack
- Causes Shock attack
- Sets off Alarm and opening all doors
- Sets off Alarm
- Protects creatures in the room from status effects
- Can be Engineered to Berserk any Organic in the room
- Sets off Alarm and spawns 2 Havoc Drones
- This can be used to your advantage
- Slave Pen
- Psi Lab
- Incubation Room
- Staff Quarters
- Manipulation works
- Cyborg creatures will seek to destroy an engineered tower
- Choose to make character older or younger
- +3 Might & Finesse
- +15 Health
- +1 Healing Rate
- -2 Brains & Power
- -1 to 15 random* skills (including psionic)
- +3 Brains & Power
- +1 to 15 random* skills (including psionic)
- -30 Health
- -2 Might & Finesse
*Skill bonus can randomly select the same skill multiple times, providing a +2 or even +3 increase/decrease
- Can send you to a "Temporal Bubble" filled to the brim with enemies, it is near impossible to escape due to the sheer number of enemies and death will be inevitable for most characters, if you can escape, however, you will leave with serious EXP gain and drops from the various enemies.
- explodes and causes slow
- can turn you into a caveman(!)
- Improves combat abilities VS monster
- 1-2 (maybe more?) uses
- Shutdown
- Sets off alarm, summoning havoc drones
- Sets off alarm, still being functional
- Armoury
- Hiver Lair
- Sraff Quarters
- Stores items which can be accessed from any other Tesseract Well
- 3 uses, but you must pass a check every time
- On repair or use, may destroy a random item in the well or in your inventory.
- Found in most rooms
- Only stores items for the current play through
- Changes player race (You get to decide)
- Most Augmentation Bay buffs and debuffs are removed (Ex:Additional Movement Speed)
- save game remains in your starting race (therefore won't overwrite another characters save u have)
- Endgame achievement awarded to race changed to, not starting race
- Shutdown
- Randomly selects a race
- Transforms user into a protean
- Medical Rooms
- Incubation Room
- Surgery Lab
- Doesn't seem to serve a function.
- Doesn't seem to serve a function.
- Botanical Lab
- Psi Lab
- Unsure if gold+ only, but it does appear in gold.
have three modes with Bio Mods
- if failed repair, Become Ruined