General information[]
Welcome to the wiki's main article hub. Here you should find information on just about anything in the game. If you know something we don't, need some help or would like to make a request for the wiki, don't be shy; use the comment sections, the wiki Forums, wiki Talk Page, or even start a Blog !
Main articles & Categories[]
This table is not exhaustive, but all the main, important articles which are frequently updated, corrected & polished can be found here:
Main Content | |||||
Basics | Classes | Skills | Monsters | Objects | Psionics |
Gear | Weapons | Armor | Equipment | Tools | Usables |
Survival | Recipes | Traps | Durability | Stealth | Safe Room |
Knowledge |
Status Effects | Messages | Ingredients | Lore | Difficulty |
Guidelines []
If you seek to contribute, please keep the following information in mind:
- When making an entry for which you do not have a picture, but wish to use a template anyway, feel free to use "Question-Mark.jpg" as a temporary image.
- Pictures are in .jpg or .png format. .png with transparent background is preferred for uploads, but .jpg is just fine. Also, please make sure your photo name is as straight-foward as possible, i.e. a picture of a Security Bot should be named "SecurityBot.png"
- There is little you cannot do on this wiki as an un-registered user. However, if you'd like to help our community grow, registering and uploading an avatar before posting a comment or making an edit helps make a wiki more lively.
- Above all, any contribution is very much appreciated! It may be slightly edited to conform with the rest of the wiki and it's goals, but all the credit goes to you and all contributions are catalogued.
Information that is useful to know as you browse.
- Mindgames changed many items and numbers that existed before the expansion. By default, we try to use the latest information about the game. Even if you don't have the DLC however, you can still help by uploading pictures, creating pages for items who have none, filling in missing info, etc.
- The blue bar at the top of the page is the main Navigation Bar. Use it to access important parts of the wiki, including wiki activity or the community corner. You can also use it to come back here. The Mindgames icon to the left of the blue bar will take you back to the home page.
Feel free to send any additional questions or concerns to an active Admin. Thanks!