Here you will find details about monsters in The Pit. Creatures are split into "families" (breeds, if you prefer) for cataloging purposes, and you'll find various tips and information on each on them. Understanding monster behavior or AI is very useful in surviving, and this article also covers that.
Note that all monsters have both a hearing range and a line of sight range. These ranges differ greatly between the various creatures. Psi attacks and Melee combat causes very little noise but a grenade detonation or repeated gunfire will attract several patrols. Interacting with any object or container causes little to no noise.
Monster properties[]
Perks or modifiers with are monster-specific, or not necessarily obvious at first glance.
All creatures have a viewing area just like your character. They also have a "sensor range", which represents the sensitivity of their hearing, sense of smell, or quite literally the quality of their electronic sensors. Noise or proximity is usually how monsters detect you, but obstacles (walls, closed doors) will interfere with their ability to do so.
Creatures can be harder or easier to hit than others. This is unique to each of them. However, you can make an educated guess by combining their moves per turn with their overall size. You can view a creature's exact move speed in your SotSDex. Melee attacks completely ignore this modifier.
Creatures who use weaponry have to reload as well. Such creatures can have a small chance to drop their weapon on death. Some creatures attack using a noise-like pulse, which almost always damages armour and can cause Stun.
Typical pulse attack
Unlike your little hero, monsters which can open Doors must spend their turn to do so.
Many creatures lose movement speed (on top of accuracy) when they reach Wounded state. Also, Organic and Cyborg creatures die from Lvl. 10 Disease or Radiation Might loss just like you would.
All creatures emit a distinct sound when they detect you, at which point they will attack you anytime you are in view/attack range. They drop this "alerted" state once you've been out of their sensor range for 20 turns.
Some Bots and other "security personel" (Hivers, etc.) may have a chance to drop a Floor Card Key. Such creatures obviously have no issue opening locked doors.
Monster tips[]
Pay attention to how well monsters navigate. Some can't open doors and can be trapped in rooms to preserve ammo/durability. Others can only open doors which were already unlocked. So, careful with those fingers, Arsène Lupin. And think twice before blowing up ammo hogs like Large Proteans.
In Gold Edition, many monsters will attempt to destroy any closed doors standing between them and you, once they have detected you.
Cyborg creatures combine the best attributes of Organic and Mecha and will give you the most trouble, but the downside is their vulnerability to most Psionics and Status Effect which affect either type of monsters.
Some creatures will seek to ambush you by hiding next to doors. Counter this by strafing and sweeping your line of sight to cover dead angles, and shoot ambushers before entering the room.All ranged Security Bots will use this tactic, both defensively and to counter your ambushes.
Door ambush
Some creatures are easy to sneak-up on or ignore so long as no nearby noise is produced. Pay attention to the direction un-alerted creatures with limited vision are facing.
Refer to The Pitopedia for specific drop information and odds for creatures that were around before Mindgames.
Monster Catalog (Pilgrim expansion) []
Name + Image
Abilities & Tips
M'kkose Family[]
M'kkose Clump
Melee knife attack
When wounded seeking for other M'kkose creatures to merge into one being, healing them. Two wounded creatures of the same kind merged with third would evolve into M'kkose Cluster
Can inflict damage over time spores with melee attacks
When wounded seeking for other M'kkose creatures to merge into one being, healing them. Two wounded creatures of the same kind merged with third would evolve into M'kkose Gestalt
Can inflict damage over time spores with melee attacks
Shoots Ballistic damage darts
When wounded seeking for other M'kkose creatures to merge into one being, healing them. Can merge with smaller M'kkoses, absorbing them. Two wounded creatures of the same kind merged with third would evolve into M'kkose Mass(?)
When wounded seeking for other M'kkose creatures of the similar size to merge into one being, healing them. Can merge with smaller M'kkoses, absorbing them. Two wounded creatures of the same kind merged with third would evolve into M'kkose Sodality(?)
Can throw up to 2 grenades at once, which can be of different types.
When controlled by the player, has Lightning Grenade (x2)/Stun Grenade(x2)/Plasma grenade(x1). Always throws 2 of the same type, even if it only has 1.
Can be interacted with to be reprogrammed to only attack organic enemies (will still deal heavy damage to you if you end your turn below and adjacent to it)
Cyborg Hiver Queen
Dissolvable (will instantly destroy all 3 parts + the spawner)
Has 3 targetable parts, each of which fires a laser
Max range 9-11 (depends on positioning). In general, if you can see it, it can shoot you.
Lasers can be stunned and paralyzed.
Spawns 1 Hiver Worker every 10th turn (provided you are within range 5 of spawn-point)
Can be used to farm for hiver drops (hiver cheese, rifle parts, chitin, etc.) and exp by killing it's 3 lasers but leaving spawner intact).
up to 10 hiver workers will spawn this way
Protean Family (addition to existing family)[]
High damage Laser that causes Radiation (+50) inflicting laser damage with X-Rifle
If attacked with energy weapons, will absorb damage and spawn a protean
Immune to non-energy damage, but fire attacks and certain grenades such as EMP or Lightning work
Attacks ignore armor
Color appears to affect damage/health
Specters heal when they cause damage
Opens Doors
Specter Giant
Weapon: Punch, medium
Was found in a stasis pod (Easy, Sub Floor 39; Normal, Sub Floor 36)
Spawns Specter Mites
Monster Catalog (Original Game)[]
Creatures that were around in the Original game. Note that many of these have received several important tweaks, which includes different AI behavior, how soon into the game they can spawn, wheter they can spawn in hallways, if they can chase outside of rooms, etc.
Name + Image
Rock Rat Family[]
Rock Rat
Your classic dungeon-crawler rat. Use your fists/knife
When disguised and attacked with weapons with more than 1 attack per turn - only first successful hit would be counted
Can only disguise as single square containers or furniture, which cannot be interacted with. This includes:
Medical Locker
Ammo Container
Ruined Bed
Mechanical Locker
Armor Locker
Stasis Pantry
When disguised, will only attack players within melee range and on their turn. They also emit "gargling" noises when combat is going on nearby.
Melee attack has a high chance to damage your armour, it's also has AoE like some blade weapons
Approaching single square containers using first movement of turn and trying to interact with them is therefore the simplest way to detect an adaptoid. Lifesense and motion sensors work as well.
Damage from these early critters can add up. Still, it's important not to go overkill and use a mix of Fists and Knives/Blades to take them down, or non-grenade AoE
High armour, engage with 70-80+ penetration Weapons only, or Poison it
Uses TK Fist with a different animation. Can cause Confusion with Confusion Ray. Both of these ranged attacks seem to cost psi, which runs out after a dozen or so shots.