Brave the perils of the Pit as Astryd Jemison, a Sol Force Medic racing against time to save the people of Arbuda IV from a raging epidemic. Trained as both a medical doctor and an armed combatant, she has come to the Feldspar Mountains looking for the source of the deadly Xombie Plague.
Astryd Jemison wields the sharp wits and sharp blade of a surgeon and carries the latest hybrid technology, with the power both to mangle and to mend. As she plunges into the Pit on the trail of fellow Sol Force scientist Tamiko Hoshinara, she will sacrifice as many enemy lives as necessary to achieve her mission of mercy.
When the world is wounded, it calls for a Healer.
Released March 22, 2016
Content introduced in Healer is usually marked . Behind the scenes it is a Mediawiki template: {{Healer Note}}.
The Pit is a dangerous, filthy place, but Astryd comes prepared with a satchel of medical equipment and years of medical training.
- New playable character, SolForce Medic Astryd Jemison!
- New recipes!
- New weapons!
- New items!
- New monsters!
- New achievements!