Filling out the alien character types found in the Sword of the Stars universe comes The Pit: Juggernaut - take control of a massive, changed Tarka male,Tor Makari, a clanless mercenary, born on the Tarka Freehold of Kor Daia. Summoned to Arbuda by the promise of a huge reward, he is here to rescue a kidnapped Human from a high-security alien facility and pull down the biggest bounty of his career. As a changed male, Tor is big, bad, and do not let his lumbering manner fool you - he is no dummy. He is a force to be reckoned with, nigh unstoppable. He is a... JUGGERNAUT!
Content introduced in Juggernaut is usually marked . Behind the scenes it is a Mediawiki template: {{Juggernaut Note}}.
- New playable character, the Tarka male, Tor!
- New recipes, including ammo conversion recipes!
- New weapons and weapon variants!
- New items!
- New monsters!
- New achievements!
This piece of DLC is NOT Steam exclusive, the developers are porting it to GoG, but it was delayed due to technical issues.