Take control of Azraeus the Defiler, a servant of The Immortal, one of the ancient and mysterious Suul'ka! Raised from the dead and promised new life in a new body, Azraeus is determined to fulfill his mission: clear out The Pit and steal the cure to the Xombie plague. As dangerous as any Horde Zuul warrior, Azraeus is a unique Character with powers and abilities never before seen in the Pit.
Content introduced in Necromancer is usually marked . Behind the scenes it is a Mediawiki template: {{Necromancer Note}}.
- New playable character, Azraeus the Defiler!
- Raise undead minions to aid you!
- Soul Crush your enemies as fuel for your psychic powers!
- Enjoy immunity to poison, disease, even hunger! But keep an eye on your psionic power - when it's gone, you're gone!
- New recipes!
- New weapons!
- New items!
- New monsters!
- New achievements!
- It's Alive! - You have created 100 necrominions.
- Create 100 undead minions at tech tables/cookers across multiple playthroughs.
- I don't drink... wine. - Drain 2000 health from enemies.
- Can also be achieved by using Lifedrain from War Mind on any character.
- Pit Affective Disorder - You have crushed the souls of 50 enemies.
- Kill 50 organics using Soul Crush.