Sword of the Stars: The Pit Wiki

A list of weapons that can be found, encountered, or used in the Pit and their basic stats.

General information[]

Here you will find detailed information on the weapons that can be found or crafted in the Pit, along with explanations of certain accuracy mechanics, and weapon properties.

How much of the game you own determines what weapons you have access to. The following icons can be displayed by the weapon:

  • MindGames - Mindgames-only weapons
  • Gold Edition - Gold-only weapons
  • The Pilgrim - The Pilgrim-only weapons
  • Juggernaut - The Juggernaut-only weapons
  • Necromancer - Necromancer-only weapons
  • Healer - The Healer-only weapons

Note that many weapons are unmarked which however were introduced in different expansions.

Small lifehack for all weapons with XxX Dmg (Auto, Assault): if load 1 ammo in magazine (hold CTRL in inventory) you will reload every shot but it will be economy ammo, 1 VS 2 or 5.

From Mindgames, all weapons have a "racial" property. Equipping and using a weapon your race is not proficient with results in moderate hidden penalties to weapon skill.

Additionally, weapons of Morrigi origins penalize both of the game's playable races (although the Tarka Ranger wields them more proficiently than Human classes). Essentially, this means you will need to raise certain weapon skills very high if you wish to reliably use the most powerful weapons in the game.

In the Gold Expansion, racial properties and penalties are no longer hidden. Most weapons have an "Origin" property, which will reduce the weapon's Accuracy rating according to the race of the user.

Racial Penalties Chart -- Left: User Race, Top: Racial Origin
Human Tarka Hiver Liir Morrigi Zuul
Humans 0 -10 -25 -30 -20 -10
Tarka -5 0 -30 -35 -15 0
Warrior -25 -35 0 -40 -35 -15
Seeker -30 -30 -40 0 -10 -45
Striker -20 -15 -30 -10 0 -45
Shepherd 0 -5 -15 -25 -10 0
Lich 0 -5 -15 -25 -10 0

Most weapons can be upgraded by adding Bio mods.

Weapon Properties[]

Summary of weapon properties you will find in the tables, along with important explanations.

  • Durab = Durability. How much damage the weapon can take before breaking. See Durability for more info.
  • Acc= Accuracy. Base % chance to hit with the weapon, at the optimal range, before skill and monster dodge is factored in. Read Pistols and Rifles for details on how weapon accuracy decreases.
  • Dmg = Maximum possible damage per hit, before penetration vs. Armor & weapon skill calculations.
    • x2 means the weapon fires twice at the same target.
    • x3 means you can fire three shots at the same target, or you can multi-target by holding CTRL and pressing LEFT CLICK to assign each shot separately.
    • AoE refers to the weapon doing damage on multiple squares in a single attack. See the AoE explanation for more information. You are immune to your own non-explosive AoE damage.
  • Pen = Penetration. See Armor for more info. There is a limit to bonus damage gained from Penetration, up to about double a weapon's max damage.
  • Mag.S = Magazine size in ammo units. Auto (x2) weapons typically consume 2 ammo to fire 2 shots per turn, and most multi-target weapons consume 5 ammo to fire 3 shots per turn. Energy weapons vary quite a bit.
  • O.Rng = Optimum range in squares. This is the range reported in the Sotsdex.
  • M.Rng = Maximum range in squares.
  • Ammo = Picture of the ammo type used by that weapon, if any.
  • Effect = Status Effect the weapon can inflict, or any other particularity worth mentioning. Throwable means the weapon has both a melee and a ranged attack.

See the Range table for more details on ranges.


Your Fists are the only weapon you have that never break. When certain melee weapons are equipped, they replace your default Punch attack (MindGames The Tarka Hammers and the Ranger's Tail Swipe stay separate, Gold Edition as do the Striker, Seeker and Warrior's natural melee attacks.)

Gloves/bracers have durability and usually provide a small passive bonus as well. They can never take durability damage from explosions, but still break fairly quickly in unskilled hands.

These weapons use the Melee Skill
Melee Origin Durab Acc Dmg Pen Mag.S M.Rng Ammo
n/a 150 25% 10x2 100 n/a 1 n/a
Effect: Craftable, +5 armor when equipped.

Not all classes can use in combat, but can still be equipped for +5 armor if unusable for combat.

Hiver n/a 50% 5 15 n/a 1 n/a
Effect: Hiver Warrior natural weapon
Big Club
TPicon Big Club
x x x x x x x n/a
Human 95 35% 38 (vs Mecha) 5 30 1 48px-Energy Cell
Effect: Medic starting weapon
Human 105 25% 16 10 n/a 1 n/a
Effect: +5 Mechanic
n/a n/a 25% 2x2 0 n/a 1 n/a
Morrigi n/a 65% 7 35 n/a 1 n/a
Effect: Gold Edition Morrigi Striker natural weapon
x x x x x x x n/a
n/a 20 25% 4x2 40 n/a 1 n/a
Effect: +5 armor, Craftable
Zuul n/a 40 4 1 50 1 48px-Energy Cell
Effect: Chances to inflict Paralysis and/or Stun
Tarka 60 25% 4x2 0 n/a 1 n/a
Effect: doubles health regeneration
Tarka 75 35% 16 25 n/a 1 n/a
Effect: Has a chance to apply level 6 poison on hit. +1 Healing while equipped.
x x x x x x x n/a
Tarka n/a 60% 5
5 n/a 1 n/a
Effect: Tarka Ranger natural weapon
Tarka 75 25% 14x2* 30 25 10 48px-Energy Cell
Effect: Throwable, x1 when thrown, Causes Stun
Tarka 75 35% 16 25 n/a 1 n/a
Effect: Knockback
Liir n/a 40% 6 30 n/a 1 n/a
Effect: Liir Seeker natural weapon, Range 2, Causes Pain


Blades are the strongest melee combat weapons. Many (but not all) strike in an AoE, and low Blade skill usually results in broken weapons quite fast. Blades typically have a M.Rng of 1.

These weapons use the Blade Skill
Blades Origin Durab Acc Dmg Pen Mag.S Ammo
Human 200 45% 15
150 n/a n/a
Effect: Craftable
Zuul 18 30% 14 vs. Mecha 90 20 48px-Energy Cell
Effect: Chances to inflict Fire, if Mecha chances to inflict Pain
Human 25 50% 7 50 n/a n/a
Human 60 50% 8 55 n/a n/a
Zuul 35 25% 13
80 15 48px-Energy Cell
Effect: Chances to inflict Fire
Human 20 50% 15
150 10 48px-Energy Cell
Effect: Range of 2
Tarka 55 30% 14
70 n/a n/a

Effect: Can be Crafted starting with the Mindgames Expansion, Chance to Stun

Zuul 35 30% 7 70 n/a n/a
Effect: Steals Psi points from target
Zuul 15 50% 8 80 n/a n/a
Effect: Depletes enemy Psi points
Gicon Ri
Hiver 65 25% 7 70 n/a n/a
Effect: Hiver Warrior starting weapon
Tarka 55 35% 12
70 n/a n/a
Effect: Tarka Ranger starting blade
Human 45 25% 10
60 n/a n/a
Human 250 45% 18 160 n/a n/a
Effect: move speed +1
Human 35 25% 10
50 20 Poison Gland

Effect: Craftable, Chance to inflict Lvl.5 Poison

Human 20 35% 9 90 30 48px-Energy Cell
Human 30 30% 10
100 30 48px-Energy Cell
n/a 50 65% 12 130 n/a n/a


Knives typically inflict less damage than Blades, and are fewer in variety. They are also unable to hit multiple targets, but provide an alternative to Blades or Melee for characters focusing more on Finesse than Might. Knives have a M.Rng of 1.

These weapons use the Knife Skill
Knives Origin Durab Acc Dmg Pen Mag.S Ammo
Human 10 30% 5 15 n/a n/a
Effect: Craftable
Human 30 40% 5 30 n/a n/a
Morrigi 25 50% 15? 65 n/a n/a
Effect: 15 vs. Mech
Tarka 40 35% 9x2 55 30 Poison Gland
Effect: Chance to inflict Lvl.7 Poison
Human 15 40% 5 20 n/a n/a
Tarka 50 35% 7 55 n/a n/a
Effect: Chance to Paralyze
Zuul 15 30% 7x2 40 n/a n/a
Effect: Zuul Shepherd starting knife
Zuul 25 30% 3x2 45 n/a n/a
Effect: Steals Health from target
Human 15 30% 7 60 n/a n/a
Effect: Craftable, Chance to inflict Spores
Human 20 55% 6 60 30 48px-Energy Cell


Spears have a M.Rng of 2 in "cross" fashion; aiming anywhere else will trigger a Throwable ranged attack.

These weapons use the Spear skill
Spears Origin Durab Acc Dmg Pen Mag.S Ammo
Liir 50 45% 16 45 10 48px-Shotgun Shells
Effect: Liir Seeker starting spear, Not Throwable, Consumes ammo with every successful hit
Tarka 65 ? 12 55 20 48px-Energy Cell
Effect: Throwable, Chance to Stun and Paralyze
n/a 25 25% 8 35 n/a n/a
Effect: Morrigi Striker starting spear<
Morrigi 65 35% 20 80 10 48px-Fuel Cell
Effect: Throwable, Melee attack does not consume ammo
Zuul 45 35% 17 50 ? 48px-AM Cells


The accuracy of a pistol takes a sharp decline when attacking long-range targets. Pistol skill goes a long way towards counter-acting this, as does moving closer to your target.

These weapons use the Pistol Skill
Pistols Origin Durab Acc Dmg Pen Mag.S O.Rng M.Rng Ammo
Human 30 65% 3 1 8 6
Goop Rounds
Effect: Causes Paralyzed
Human 25 40% 8x2 50 10 8 48px-Pistol Rounds
Effect: Marine and Scout starting pistol
Human 30 50% 13 80 n/a 4 N/A
Effect: Food is used as ammo. Uses 5 Food per shot.
TPicon Bolo
x x x x x x x x
Zuul 15 50% 18 85 5 1 48px-Energy Cell


15 250% 10 50 5 ?
48px-Energy Cell
Effect: Random chance at inflicting multiple mental statuses.
Human 25 40% 8x2 45 10 8 48px-Pistol Rounds
Human 25 45% 8x3 25 30 7 48px-Pistol Rounds
Human 22 35% 10x2 60 16 8 48px-Flechette Rounds
Liir 50 45% 9 80 20 4 7 48px-Darts
Effect: Liir Seeker starting pistol
Human 20 50% 12 100 15 9 48px-Energy Cell
Human 18 60 3 vs. Organic 10 3 1 48px-Energy Cell
Effect: Chance to Fear
Human 25 60% 12
20 6 3 48px-Fuel Cell
Effect: AoE Fire attack. Chance to inflict fire status.
Human 90 35% 22 110 6 3 48px-Heavy Slugs
Human 18 60% 4
10 3 5 48px-Energy Cell
Effect: Craftable, Chance to Stun
Tarka 50 35% 12 60 8 8 48px-High Calibre Rounds
Effect: Tarka Ranger starting pistol
Human 25 35% 8x2 50 20 8 48px-Pistol Rounds
Human 25 30% 10x2 70 28 8 48px-Flechette Rounds
Human 30 40% 8x3 30 50 7 48px-Pistol Rounds
Hiver 55 30% 10 70 12 2 48px-High Calibre Rounds
Effect: Hiver Warrior starting pistol. has a melee attack which triggers at range 1 and doesn't use ammo. same stats as shots it seems, which are very good.
Human 20 50% 12 100 10 9 48px-Energy Cell
Human 25 45% 8x3 30 25 7 48px-Pistol Rounds
Human 22 35% 10x2 70 16 8 48px-Flechette Rounds
Human 15 80% 14 30 3 4 48px-Shotgun Shells
Morrigi 18 50% 10 105 12 9 48px-Energy Cell
Effect: Morrigi Striker starting pistol
Human 35 50% 9 40 6 6 48px-Pistol Rounds
Effect: Engineer starting pistol
Human 10 50% 10x3 90 30 8 48px-Energy Cell
Effect: MindGames While the Pulsar Pistol can be found in any version of the game, it can be Crafted starting with the Mindgames expansion.
Morrigi 25 40% 8 150 8 ? 48px-AM Cells
Effect: Deteriorates Enemy Armor by 1 per Shot. Watch out for this shots being reflected, cause the Armor Reduction is permanent.
Zuul 15 50% 15 65 5 4 48px-Energy Cell
Effect: Causes radiation damage to creatures
Human 20 45% 8 30 25 2 48px-Pistol Rounds
Effect: Craftable
Human 20 35 8 45 10 7 48px-Pistol Rounds
Effect: Craftable
Human 18 60% 8x2 50 10 8 48px-Pistol Rounds
Human 15 70% 12 105 10 9 48px-Energy Cell
Human 15 65% 8x3 35 30 7 48px-Pistol Rounds
Human 16 55% 10x2 75 16 8 48px-Flechette Rounds
Human 45 55% 16 25 6 9 48px-HE Rounds
Effect: Zuul Shepherd starting pistol
Zuul 30 45% 11 75 20 6? 48px-Flechette Rounds
Effect: Gives psi and hp every successful hit on organics creature
Hiver 25 45% 8 30 45 2 6? 48px-Pistol Rounds
Hiver dual-barreled machine pistol.
Human 15 70% 9 35 10 8 48px-Pistol Rounds
Human 30 45% 8 20 12 ? 48px-Darts
Effect: Medic starting pistol


The accuracy of most rifles takes a sharp decline when attacking close-range targets. Rifle skill goes a long way towards counter-acting this, as does moving away from your target. Shotgun-type rifles are an exception to this, and do not seem to lose too much accuracy if your target is far or near.

These weapons use the Rifle Skill
Rifles Origin Durab Acc Dmg Pen Mag.S O.Rng M.Rng Ammo
Zuul 35 45% 20 145 40 12 48px-Energy Backpack
Effect: Damages target's Psionic Energy by 35 (in addition to regular damage)
Human 45 45% 12x2 65 10 9 48px-Rifle Rounds
Human 35 55% 20x2
30 20 7 48px-Shotgun Shells
Human 30 30% 6 40 5 2 48px-Poison Darts

Effect: Craftable, Chance to Poison

n/a 15 80% 35
20 6 6 48px-Shotgun Shells
Effect: Craftable, Uses 2 ammo per shot
Morrigi 35 55% 12 200 10 10 48px-Energy Backpack
found in Gold Edition.

Effect: Deteriorates Enemy Armor by 1 per Shot. Watch out for this shots being reflected, cause the Armor Reduction is permanent.

Human 45 45% 12x2 60 10 9 48px-Rifle Rounds
Human 35 55% 18x2
25 20 7 48px-Shotgun Shells
Morrigi 20 45% 24
20 10 6 48px-Energy Backpack
Effect: Hits some single targets on the screen
Human 35 50% 14 115 45 12+ 48px-Energy Backpack
Human 30 55% 18 130 40 12+ 48px-Energy Backpack
Human 20 25% 30
10 12 8 48px-Energy Backpack
Effect: Causes Cold
Liir 75 30% 22 45 6 7 48px-Heavy Darts
Effect: Causes Slow
Human 35 50% 20 95 3 12+ 48px-High Calibre Rounds
Human 40 50% 20x2
30 30 7 48px-Shotgun Shells
Hiver 35 50% 14 100 20 8 48px-Energy Backpack
Human 35 50% 16 120 30 12+ 48px-Energy Backpack
Rifles Origin Durab Acc Dmg Pen Mag.S M.Rng Ammo
Human 30 55% 20 140 25 12+ 48px-Energy Backpack
Effect: Craftable
Human 50 45% 20 15 12 3
48px-Acid Sack
Effect: Craftable, Cone attack, Corrosive, only 4 ammo per acid sack
Human 45 25% 13 55 12 ? 48px-Darts
Effect: Fires 2 shots per dart. Chance to inflict spore.
Morrigi 30 30% 60 120 10 11 48px-Energy Backpack
Human 10 50% 60 150 6 10? 48px-Energy Backpack
Morrigi 45 35% 24 150 30 12+ 48px-Energy Backpack
Zuul 105 25% 20x2 50 26 12+ 48px-HE Rounds
Effect: Knockback
Human 30 45% 10 10 10 9 48px-Energy Backpack
Effect: Craftable, Causes Berserk
Human 50 45% 10 70 8 9 48px-Rifle Rounds
Human 55 40% 10 70 12 9 48px-Rifle Rounds
Effect: Probably craftable. Note that it presents as a regular rifle, despite the different stats.
Human 35 40% 12x2 55 10 8 48px-Rifle Rounds
Effect: Craftable
Human 35 65% 12x2 70 10 9 48px-Rifle Rounds
Human 28 70% 16 125 30 12+ 48px-Energy Backpack
Human 22 75% 20 145 25 12+ 48px-Energy Backpack
Human 40 65% 10 75 8 9 48px-Rifle Rounds
Human 40 55% 12 90 8 12+ 48px-Rifle Rounds
Effect: Craftable
Liir 65 50 20 45 12 x 48px-Heavy Darts
Effect: Shotgun-style AoE. Uses two ammo per shot.
Human 20 45% 6 80 35 5 48px-Energy Backpack
Effect: Causes Stun
Human 30 45% 40 0 15 10 48px-Energy Backpack
Effect: Knockback
Human 15 45% 6 80 5 5? 48px-Energy Backpack
Effect: Turns target into any other random enemy from the game.
Human 25 60% 24 170 15 12+ 48px-Energy Backpack
Effect: Craftable, Causes +75 Rad

Assault Weapons[]

Most Assault Weapons follow the same accuracy rules as their Rifle counterparts, and all of them burn through ammo stacks exceptionally fast.

These weapons use the Assault Weapon Skill
Assault Weapons Origin Durab Acc Dmg Pen Mag.S O.Rng M.Rng Ammo
Human 100 45% 15x3 65 60 13 48px-HE Rounds
Human 40 45% 9x3 60 25 12+ 48px-Rifle Rounds
Effect: Uses 5 ammo per shot
Human 20 40% 10x3 50 30 10 48px-Rifle Rounds
Effect: Craftable
Tarka 40 55% 12x3 100 20 15 48px-Flechette Rounds
Morrigi 25 35% 17x3 250 15 12+ 48px-AM Cells
Effect: Requires special armor. Consumes 3 rounds per shot. 1 AM cell yields 3 rounds.
Human 40 45% 9x3 55 26 12+ 48px-Rifle Rounds
Human 35 55% 14x3 110 40 12+ 48px-Flechette Rounds
Effect: Craftable. Uses 2 rounds per shot.
Human 25 70% 18 70 60 8 48px-Flechette Rounds
Effect: Craftable. Uses 5 rounds per shot.
Zuul 90 30% 13x3 80 65 9 48px-High Calibre Rounds
Human 60 45% 40 140 6 12+ 48px-Heavy Slugs
Effect: Craftable, Knockback
Human 50 40% 9x3 60 40 12+ 48px-Rifle Rounds
Human 40 50% 14x3 120 72 12+ 48px-Flechette Rounds
Human 30 65% 20x3
80 150 8 48px-Flechette Rounds
Effect: Expends 10 ammo per shot
Tarka 130 45% 12x3 80 80 9+ 48px-Flechette Rounds
Effect: Tarka Mercenary starting weapon
Human 80 45% 10 65 ? ? 48px-Rifle Rounds
Effect: Unique weapon, will only show up once per game.
Human 35 55% 14x3 120 40 12+ 48px-Flechette Rounds
Human 25 35% 17x3 140 60 12+ 48px-Energy Backpack
Effect: Craftable
Human 25 70% 20x3
80 60 8 48px-Flechette Rounds
Effect: Expends 10 ammo per shot
Human 30 65% 9x3 65 25 12+ 48px-Rifle Rounds
Human 28 85% 14x3 125 40 12+ 48px-Flechette Rounds

Heavy Weapons[]

Heavy weapons are typically crafted and/or require special suits of armor. Thanks to the Brawler PBA armor and high starting skill, the Marine can consistently and comfortably use these massive weapons, if he can acquire them. Most of them feature AoE of some sort and a powerful combination of Dmg and Pen.

These weapons use the Heavy Weapons skill
Heavy Weapons Origin Durab Acc Dmg Pen Mag.S O.Rng M.Rng Ammo
Human 70 35% 90x3
90 3 12+ 48px-RPG
Effect: Requires special armor
Human 20 70% 18
30 5 6 48px-Fuel Cell
Effect: Causes Fire
Human 60 30% 45 85 5 9 48px-Fuel Cell
Effect: Requires special armor
Human 60 50% 65x3 140 20 12+ 48px-Heavy Slugs
Effect: Craftable, Requires special armor
Human 100 35% 15x6 90 80 12+ 48px-High Calibre Rounds
Effect: Requires special armor. Uses 5 round per shot.
Morrigi 60 40% 20x6 110 60 12? 48px-AM Cells
Effect: Requires special armor
Human 50 35% 10x6 70 60 15 48px-Rifle Rounds
Effect: Uses 5 rounds per shot.
Human 60 30% 35
60 5 9 48px-Fuel Cell
Effect: Requires special armor. 1 Fuel Cell = 1 Shot.
Human 30 70% 24
70 5 ? 48px-Fuel Cell
Effect: Causes Fire, Requires special armor
Hiver 30 60% 15
30 6 3 48px-Fuel Cell
Effect: Hiver Warrior starting Weapon
Human 70 35% 85
110 1 12+ 48px-RPG
Tarka 225 70% 24x3
80 200 ? 48px-Flechette Rounds
Effect: Shotgun style attack. Consumes 10 rounds per shot. Can be used as a melee weapon. When equipped, allows the user to detect enemies.


Grenades can be aimed anywhere on the screen. Landing long-range grenades accurately requires exceptional Melee skill, and sometimes a bit of luck, however. Also, the damage done by a grenade varies based on each target's distance from the impact point. If a grenade mis-fires and is intercepted by a wall, door or hallway pillar, it will not explode.

Melee skill affects the damage of grenades; also note that the closer to the center of the grenade an effected unit is, the more damage it will take (unsure if this applies to the statuses inflicted specialized grenades, such as the chaff grenade or fear grenade). Most Classes start out with their own set of grenades.

Note: the listed AoE radius of each grenade is their actual range, in accordance to the range table below this section, plus one. (since the grenades have a center, whereas the range table assumes your character as the center) For example, the effect range of a chaff grenade, if thrown with the center directly on your character, would extend to the 5 range on the range table.

These weapons use the Melee Skill
Grenades Damage Penetration AoE Radius Effect
2 5 4 Slows Movement by 1
5 0 6 Reduces accuracy of mecha and cyborg creatures
3 5 ? Causes Madness, Confusion, Weak, Berserk and Fear on organics.
5 20 3 Corrosive
10 vs. Mecha 30 3 Craftable

Chance to Berserk Mecha
5 5 4 Depletes Psi points
120 vs. Mecha 30 3 Does not damage containers or objects
25 5 4 Craftable

Causes Fire
7 0 3 Chance to Blind
35 120 4 Efficient vs. Medium-range armor & Multiple targets across an area
40 80 2 Craftable
60 80 3 Efficient vs. low-range armor
10 40 3 Chance to cause Unconscious
30 vs. Mecha 45 3 Causes Energy damage, Very low damage to Devices & Containers
3 vs. Organic 20 3


Chance to Berserk Organic and Mecha, Some Monsters are immune

80 100 6 Most powerful direct damage grenade
5 0 5 Creates a patch of smoke, making long range attacks more difficult for organic creatures
10 40 3 Causes Stun
1 5 3 Chance to teleport enemies to a random location on the floor
3 5 3 Causes Fear
5 20 3 Causes Lvl.7 Poison

Range table[]

The crude table below can help you determine ranges. Worth noting is that the 2nd diagonal tile represents a range of 3, not 2. This is important to know for the purpose of exploiting a weapon's optimal accuracy range. 10 squares is your maximum default sight, anything beyond should be blackened.

Colored numbers represent the melee range of a spear.

[Range in SotS: The Pit is calculated with the Pythagorean formula, rounded to the nearest integer]

You 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
2 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
3 3 4 4* 5* 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 12
4 4 4 5* 6** 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
5 5 5 6 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 13
6 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 13
7 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 11 11 12 13 14

AoE explanation & optimization[]

  • Melee-type AoE weapons (excluding grenades) are quite simple; they will hit anything within 3 frontal squares, in the direction you're facing. You can also force-fire on yourself with a Blade weapon to attack everything within the 8 squares surrounding you. Some AoE Blades, such as the Sar, have a wild damage range to offset their raw strength..
  • Shotgun-type weapons are a little more complicated. They will hit your primary target and any close creature (or object) at equal or lesser range, relative to your position. So let's say your primary target with a shotgun is 6** on the table above; You would hit 6**, 5*, 5* and 4*. As you try out such weapons you should eventually get comfortable with maximizing your AoE damage, without breaking item containers.
  • Before v1.2.4, force-firing on yourself with both types had the same result; all 8 squares around you can take damage, you take none. Note that missing a secondary AoE target can happen, but does not prompt "Miss" floating text. To "attack yourself" or an empty square, hold down the CTRL key and simply LEFT CLICK on the square. This was patched out as of v1.2.4.

How to extend Rifle range beyond your max vision[]

Weapons which have a M.Rng of 12+ (Rifle-type, typically) can shoot further than you can see, in the "black areas". Simply Zoom out to max distance in combat, memorise where your target is, then target manually with the ARROW KEYS and then press F to fire in the dark. Rifles and similar weapons are typically great for this, but not all weapons can shoot that far.

This does allow you to engage certain creatures or "snipe" them in a safer manner, but be aware that many creatures also use long-range weapons and will shoot back with good accuracy.
